TechKnit mailing list is a no-chat discussion group
Interweave Knits
Knitter's Magazine
Knitting NOW
Sandra is a German magazine (there are English editions available)
Anna is another German magazine (there are English editions available)
Cast On is the publication of the Knitting Guild of America
Vogue Knitting
Family Circle Easy Knitting
Knitting Knews
KnitNet is an electronic newsletter on the Web. My site was featured in the October, 1999 edition!
Fiber related e-mail lists
Pine Meadow Knitting News

Knitter's graph paper in PDF (Acrobat) format from Judy Gibson
Graph paper maker for Windows (mom-ware)
Free software to make graph paper
Graph paper to print
Conversion between US, UK, and European (clothing) sizes
Dimensions for pretty much any article clothing for all sizes
Standards & Guidelines for Crochet and Knitting (clothing sizes, yarn weights, abbreviations...definitely American, though)
Program to convert grams to ounces and meters to yards (and back again) by Lois Baker
Dye information from Straw Into Gold
Definition of yarn weights at Red Meadow
Needle conversion chart from Lois Baker
Miniature needle conversion chart by Judy Gibson
Translate Swedish, Norwegian, or Danish patterns in English (or a few other languages), courtesy of Garnstudio
 WiseNeedle also has a glossary of knitting terms in over a dozen languages
Lists of pattern books in Braille
The Knitting and Crochet Guild of the UK's knitting section has pretty good links and patterns
Lois Baker's Fiber Link has links to fiber related sites
WoolWorks is a great overall place for knitting resources, and is constantly updated.
The Nameless Knitters Guild is a Bay Area group for knitters
The Craft Yarn Council of America
Fiber FAQs and lists of fiber lists, guilds, festivals, etc. collected by Ron Parker
San Francisco Bay Area yarn stores and events
DragonBear's web page has free embroidery patterns and other medieval goodies
The Math Forum has a large collection of number pattern pages (think Pascal's Triangle or the Fibonacci series.) No knitting patterns, but an interesting resource for designers
AfghansForAfghans is a charity in San Francisco dedicated to making afghans and knitted garments for the people of Afghanistan
Phiala's String Page has links about naalbinding and sprang
Information about the Gay, Lesbian, Transgender & Bi Knitters list
The Textile Resource pages are sponsored by the British Textile Technology Group. The glossary is excellent and quite technical.
Hugs for Homeless Animals: knit, crochet, or quilt a blanket for your local animal shelter
What is mercerized cotton?