Frequently Asked Questions about spinning
wheels |
FiberArt webring |
How to make a drop spindle |
How to use a drop spindle |
Online videos of how to spin yarn with a drop
spindle |
Tools and Tips for weaving and spinning |
AllFiberArts (formerly About.com's Weaving
and Spinning site) |
Spin2Knit, the site for fiber aficionados |
The Hatchtown Farm has got a lot of good information
on fiber and drop spindles, among other things |
FiberArt.com is "dedicated to the promotion
and continued growth of the Fiber Arts." There are
a lot of software links, a calendar of fiber-related events,
extensive lists of guilds and organizations, and a cute sheep
animation |
The Spindlitis page is dedicated to drop spindles--making
them, caring for them, using them, and so on. There are
terrific photos and reviews of all sorts of drop spindles
here. There is also a Spindlitis e-mail list |